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Motorsport Social Media Strategy | Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
HomeMotorsportMotorsport Social Media Strategy | Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
Why do you need a especific Motorsport Social Media Strategy?
As a Motorsport team or driver, you should also try to engage into social media, because is the best place to create an audience and connect with it, like never before. Thanks to the web technologies, now everything has become more personal and because of that people expect anyone to connect with them at a much more personal level than before. This is why social media is imperative for Motorsports, because through it drivers and teams alike remove the barriers and just interact with each other, share ideas and results. However, just connecting with the fans randomly is not a good thing to do for any Motorsport team and driver, because you do need to create a strategy that will bring the much-needed results.
Segment your audience
One of the first things that you need to do is to think about segmenting your user base, because obviously you cater to a wide range of people and because of that, you will need to post for all those categories. Brainstorming posts for each category is imperative. Also, you can try to add a Facebook like to the web page, as this increases the overall time on site, the number of views and it just makes sense, since the world is obsessed with social media right now.Moreover, it’s imperative to add links towards your site as this is a great strategy to raise awareness about your website. If you want your team to become relevant and have a lot of sponsors, then thinking about the social media links and presence is imperative.
In order to create strategy you do need to know the fans first, so try to speak with them, ask what content they want from your page and you will have a much easier time as you try to understand what they want to see on your social media and then add such content. Some fans want to find out behind the scenes stuff, so a few images before or after the race will make them feel special. However, in order to have a good and constant social media presence you need to post as often as possible. It’s crucial to post things that do make sense for the channel, especially if this is a professional one. Another social media strategy is to follow the important teams in this field of work.
Who’s killing it in social media within Motorsports?
Following the league officials is a good idea to get information about the latest changes and this way you and your team can also keep in touch with ease. People follow Motorsports teams and drivers on social media because they want fresh content, so the imperative thing here is to post new, never seen before content in order to keep the relevance. An interesting thing to know is that as long as you engage the fans, they are bound to generate content on their own and thus bring a better exposure for your team!Social media strategies will also help you gain better results if you, for example, create contests that hand if free tickets and so on. Remember, all audiences want to be engaged and want something special from you. However, not all drivers and Motorsports teams have the knowledge, expertise or time to handle the social media pages, and as such, they need to contact a professional team to do the job, because this is the only way to gain better exposure, engage with the fans and still be a major player in today’s competitive Motorsports environment!